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Krzysztof Kuzbik | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Israel and the Holy Land tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Israel and the Holy Land

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Interior of Dormition Abbey
Interior of Dormition Abbey
Mount of Olives
Mount of Olives
View from Mt. Zion
View from Mt. Zion
Amazing narrow street
Amazing narrow street
Stained glass
Stained glass
Night scene
Night scene
Jerusaelm by night
Jerusaelm by night
Modern Jerusalem
Modern Jerusalem
Haceldama Monastery
Haceldama Monastery
Panoramic view from Mount Zion
Panoramic view from Mount Zion
The statue of the denial of Jesus by Peter
The statue of the denial of Jesus by Peter
Saint-Peter-in-Gallicantu Church
Saint-Peter-in-Gallicantu Church
Bass-relief of Jesus
Bass-relief of Jesus
Al-Aqsa Mosque
Al-Aqsa Mosque
Judean Mountains
Judean Mountains
Judean Mountains
Judean Mountains
Bedouin camp
Bedouin camp
Hills in the Judean desert
Hills in the Judean desert
Dead Sea
Dead Sea
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