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Scenic / Places

:: NH ::
:: MA ::
:: scenic_misc ::
Oakville & around
:: Oakville & around ::
Muskoka Falls 2009 (ON)
:: Muskoka Falls 2009 (ON) ::
Bushkill Falls 2009 (PA)
:: Bushkill Falls 2009 (PA) ::
Montreal/Quebec City 2008
:: Montreal/Quebec City 2008 ::
Ottawa & Tulip Festival 2008
:: Ottawa & Tulip Festival 2008 ::
Kingston - Thousand Islands (2007)
:: Kingston - Thousand Islands (2007) ::
African Lion Safari (2006)
:: African Lion Safari (2006) ::
MarineLand (June, 2005)
:: MarineLand (June, 2005) ::
Port Credit, ON (May 2005)
:: Port Credit, ON (May 2005) ::
Niagara Falls
:: Niagara Falls ::
New Jersey and New York
:: New Jersey and New York ::
Webbers Falls (Hamilton)
:: Webbers Falls (Hamilton) ::