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Erik Kleyheeg | profile | all galleries >> Trip Reports >> Australia 2010 >> Tasmania (incl. record shots) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tasmania (incl. record shots)

From May 28th until June 2nd I made a short trip to Tasmania in order to find all twelve endemic bird species that live there. Although the light conditions were generally very poor for photography I show some photos - mainy record shorts - of my trip in this album.
08556 - Bassian Thrush - Zoothera lunulata
08556 - Bassian Thrush - Zoothera lunulata
06166 - Black Currawong - Strepera fuliginosa
06166 - Black Currawong - Strepera fuliginosa
Black Currawong
Black Currawong
Black Currawong
Black Currawong
06845 - Pink Robin - Petroica rodinogaster
06845 - Pink Robin - Petroica rodinogaster
Brush-tailed Possum
Brush-tailed Possum
Brush-tailed Possum
Brush-tailed Possum
Brush-tailed Possum
Brush-tailed Possum
Brush-tailed Possum
Brush-tailed Possum
Mount Field
Mount Field
Mount Field
Mount Field
Mount Field
Mount Field
Mount Field
Mount Field
Mount Field
Mount Field
Mount Field
Mount Field
Mount Misery
Mount Misery
Mount Misery
Mount Misery
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
01380 - Tasmanian Nativehen - Tribonyx mortierii
01380 - Tasmanian Nativehen - Tribonyx mortierii
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Tasmanian Native-Hen
Bennett's Wallaby
Bennett's Wallaby
Bennett's Wallaby
Bennett's Wallaby
Bennett's Wallaby
Bennett's Wallaby
06850 - Scarlet Robin - Petroica boodang
06850 - Scarlet Robin - Petroica boodang
Scarlet Robin
Scarlet Robin
Scarlet Robin
Scarlet Robin
Scarlet Robin
Scarlet Robin
Dusky Robin
Dusky Robin
Dusky Robin
Dusky Robin
Dusky Robin
Dusky Robin
06832 - Dusky Robin - Melanodryas vittata
06832 - Dusky Robin - Melanodryas vittata
Dusky Robin
Dusky Robin
Dusky Robin
Dusky Robin
Dusky Robin
Dusky Robin
Dusky Robin
Dusky Robin
05782 - New-Holland Honeyeater - Phylidonyris novaehollandiae
05782 - New-Holland Honeyeater - Phylidonyris novaehollandiae
New-Holland Honeyeater
New-Holland Honeyeater
New-Holland Honeyeater
New-Holland Honeyeater
New-Holland Honeyeater
New-Holland Honeyeater
Adventure Bay
Adventure Bay
Adventure Bay
Adventure Bay
Cape Bruny
Cape Bruny
Cloudy Bay
Cloudy Bay
Cloudy Bay
Cloudy Bay
Cloudy Bay
Cloudy Bay
05817 - Black-headed Honeyeater - Melithreptus affinis
05817 - Black-headed Honeyeater - Melithreptus affinis
Black-headed Honeyeater
Black-headed Honeyeater
Black-headed Honeyeater
Black-headed Honeyeater
05781 - Crescent Honeyeater - Phylidonyris pyrrhopterus
05781 - Crescent Honeyeater - Phylidonyris pyrrhopterus
05752 - Tawny-crowned Honeyeater - Gliciphila melanops
05752 - Tawny-crowned Honeyeater - Gliciphila melanops
04060 - Green Rosella - Platycercus caledonicus
04060 - Green Rosella - Platycercus caledonicus
Adventure Bay
Adventure Bay
Superb Fairywren
Superb Fairywren
01711 - Kelp Gull - Larus dominicanus
01711 - Kelp Gull - Larus dominicanus
00903 - Black-faced Cormorant - Phalacrocorax fuscescens
00903 - Black-faced Cormorant - Phalacrocorax fuscescens
Black-faced Cormorant
Black-faced Cormorant
Black-faced Cormorant
Black-faced Cormorant
06848 - Flame Robin - Petroica phoenicea
06848 - Flame Robin - Petroica phoenicea
Flame Robin
Flame Robin
Pacific Gull
Pacific Gull
01910 - Brush Bronzewing - Phaps elegans
01910 - Brush Bronzewing - Phaps elegans