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Klaus-Juergen Schmidt | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Kreta / Crete 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Kreta / Crete 2005

2005 mal wieder auf Kreta.......wir mögen einfach diese herrliche Insel mit ihren freundlichen Menschen....
Again Holiday Crete 2005...we love this marvelous island and the kindness of its people...
And again best wishes to my friend Janis and his wife Eva.....and to Nikos......... and please go to "Saradari" tavern at gulf of malia ;-)....
Also greetings to Nektarios and Vasilis and Efi............. you find "Saradari" between Anissaras + Chersonissos on way to church...
And not last much greetings to our Lassithi girlfriend Popi and her friendly Mama.......
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Here all my galleries, Alle meine Galerien im Netz, Übersicht

gulf of mirambelo -Agios Nikolaos- gulf of mirambelo -Agios Nikolaos- Port Agios Nikolaos with Silver Star Karin with Silver Star Silver Star from back
Network Map Agios Nikolaos our dinner in work view to gulf of malia Janisbeach, my girl, my ship ;-) Janisbeach weather
gulf of malia view from Janisbeach baby dog new member of our family dog mother view from Galini hotel balcony cretan folk dance at Hotel
cretan folk dance expert cretan folk dance at Hotel  all together old hersonisos cretan folk dance Heraklion relaxing Heraklion relaxing after Shopping ;-)
Heraklion port with AIDA Janis beach in morning view from Taverna Saradari view from Saradari to gulf of malia Margarethe, Karin, Hanni + Klaus
Popi s Mam at Lasithi rosesman Zacharias at Lasithi Eva with daughter Niki Karin and Niki with Mam Eva Janis at his Saradari with daughter Niki ;-)
Janis with daugter Niki Janis sister Lica with Niki best beachboy Oliver nightdrink at restaurant Yeah (Chef) Bergwelt-Kontraste  mountainworld contrast
monastery near Zaros monastery fountain Agi Galini at southcoast Heidi, Efi + Karin Efi + Hanni visiting Nektarios
Giota+ Nektarios with Vasilis Nightparty Nektarios with best friend Vasilis Nektarios + Vasilis night drink with Janis Janis in the morning
Saradari in the mornig best view from Janis Taverna Saradari another view to to gulf of malia view to to gulf of malia from site Anassaris morning gulf of malia
between Anissaras + Chersonissos; behind church marvelous gulf of malia Oliver wet Janis with Klaus... boatfun Nikos apartment
partynight at Malia with Eva + Janis goodbye night dinner at Janis Saradari goodbyenightfishdinner at Janis Saradari ;-) goodbye night dinner with best cook Niki good friends Karin + Niki (Janis Mam)