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Eyepieces & Etc.

Modified EOS eyepiece
Modified EOS eyepiece
Together, no glue!
Together, no glue!
EOS 5D with DK-17M
EOS 5D with DK-17M
KDN(EOS 350D) with ME-1
KDN(EOS 350D) with ME-1
D70 with DK-21M
D70 with DK-21M
Minolta diopter lens
Minolta diopter lens
Cosina's diopter lens
Cosina's diopter lens
Leica's +0.5 diopter lens
Leica's +0.5 diopter lens
M8 with Megaperls X1.35
M8 with Megaperls X1.35
5D mirror shaved
5D mirror shaved
D700 with DK-17M
D700 with DK-17M
EOS 350D with TENPA X1.36
EOS 350D with TENPA X1.36
Contax ST with DK-17M
Contax ST with DK-17M
Nikon Diopter correction +1 lens
Nikon Diopter correction +1 lens
Nikon diopter correction +1 lens
Nikon diopter correction +1 lens
Two kinds of Nikon DK-17M
Two kinds of Nikon DK-17M
GF-21 with a diopter lens
GF-21 with a diopter lens
Magnifier/Viewer for LCD screen
Magnifier/Viewer for LCD screen
Minolta magnifier V
Minolta magnifier V
X2.5 magnifier for Prakticas
X2.5 magnifier for Prakticas
DG-2 for Nikons
DG-2 for Nikons
Minolta eyecup for Sony a7(R/S)[II/III]
Minolta eyecup for Sony a7(R/S)[II/III]
Nikon DK-2 eyecup for Sony a7(R/S)[II/III]
Nikon DK-2 eyecup for Sony a7(R/S)[II/III]
Finder of Sony RX100III
Finder of Sony RX100III