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The Guns At Henlopen

Cape Henlopen is located at the confluence of the Delaware Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. During WWll, Fort Miles was established there, to provide shore defense, and from enemy incursion into the bay. After WWll ended, the property was returned to the State of Delaware, which then established Cape Henlopen State Park.

The State of Delaware has been actively developing the park for a variety of uses, including the preservation of Fort Miles in honor of and in memorial to the soldiers who were stationed there. Included are examples of the big guns that were used. None are original to Fort Miles, all are representative examples.
The 3-inch gun
The 3-inch gun
The 8-inch gun
The 8-inch gun
The 16-inch gun
The 16-inch gun
The Ghost Towers of Delaware
The Ghost Towers of Delaware
Tower #7
Tower #7