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Karl R. Josker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Torry-My Best Girl Ever > Her Last Photo
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Her Last Photo

Time was running out, the time she had left was measured in days and hours. How could I decide when she had every day she had coming to her? How could I say goodbye?

One night, I was awakened by a yelp, followed by whimpering. I got up and looked for her; she had fallen and couldn't get up. Her legs were in unnatural positions, she was scared and confused. I picked her up, straightened her out and sat on the floor with her, and tried to comfort her. The end was at hand, and in the moonlit living room, with tears streaming down my face, we looked into each other's eyes. She had never seen me cry before, and her fear and confusion disappeared.

She began licking my face, she wouldn't stop, and I finally began giggling and laughing; and I realized she had just taught me her last and greatest lesson. No matter how much pain you might be in, or how afraid you might be, you must still take care of the one's you love.

And I knew, it was time for her to go, she had taught me all she knew, and that she had given me all she had.

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Guest 14-May-2012 18:29
My daughter had to put her beautiful dogs to sleep when her husband left her. One like Torrie and 2 others. Thought she'd die herself from the terrible time after it. Not the husband but the dogs.
Susan 12-Jul-2011 08:12
Karl, Beautiful girl! Beautiful words!
Guest 23-Feb-2011 16:30
I had a dog like Tory. When she died I had to take three days off from work. She was the runt and nobody wanted her. I fed her everyday with yougurt and medicine mixed in. We brought her home in a brown lunch bag, that's how little she was. Penny lived 13 years and I still miss her.
Jim Coffman07-Apr-2008 02:17
I can hardly type this for the tears in my eyes.I am a big lover of dogs. My girl is 12 and I know my time is coming and that is hard to deal with.