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Klaus-J. Kahle | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Friends - click to get into Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Friends - click to get into Gallery

These are friends. Click to see larger picture.
Rolf u Klaus
Rolf u Klaus
Michael u Rolf
Michael u Rolf
Leaving Germany for Canada
Leaving Germany for Canada
Harry Schreiber u Klaus
Harry Schreiber u Klaus
Die Bande
Die Bande
2 Monikas
2 Monikas
Hansi und Klaus
Hansi und Klaus
Three friends
Three friends
Rolf, Klaus, Michael. Friends since childhood
Rolf, Klaus, Michael. Friends since childhood
Rolf, Klaus, Michael. Friends since childhood
Rolf, Klaus, Michael. Friends since childhood
Ruby in winter
Ruby in winter
Ivy in Fenghuang - my Muse and dao you on trip number 3 to China
Ivy in Fenghuang - my Muse and dao you on trip number 3 to China
Ivy looking at the river
Ivy looking at the river
Eric - my new friend
Eric - my new friend
Lillian - a good friend
Lillian - a good friend
Yu Long River Anne
Yu Long River Anne
Saro - Ex brother-in-law and  friend - I miss you
Saro - Ex brother-in-law and friend - I miss you
Remke and Marie
Remke and Marie
Bo and friend
Bo and friend
Harald and Alex
Harald and Alex
Anne - Great Wall -China 2007
Anne - Great Wall -China 2007
Anne doing the Hula
Anne doing the Hula
Carm - Aldo and Sam
Carm - Aldo and Sam
Jiri - Jana(jr) and Jana
Jiri - Jana(jr) and Jana
John - Anne and Bruce
John - Anne and Bruce
John and Anne
John and Anne
John playing the air guitar
John playing the air guitar
Rene - kjk - Tom and Max (the dog)
Rene - kjk - Tom and Max (the dog)
Tasha and John
Tasha and John
Thomas and Rabea
Thomas and Rabea
Tom and kjk
Tom and kjk
Tracy - Max Keeping - kjk - Puppet
Tracy - Max Keeping - kjk - Puppet
kjk - Jessica and Bruce
kjk - Jessica and Bruce
kjk and Anne
kjk and Anne
kjk and Tom
kjk and Tom