I am very interested in genealogy and have constructed a Family tree (see below). Over the years I collected old pictures and have finally scanned them. Please refer to the family tree picture to see where in the tree any particular person belongs. Some of the oldies are cardboard mounted (one is handpainted) and are really old.
Ich bin sehr an der Familienkunde interessiert. Deshalb habe ich den unten ausgef�hrten Stammbaum zusammengesetzt. Durch die Jahre habe ich viele alte Bilder gesammelt und jetzt endlich gescanned. Manche von den Bildern sind auf Pappe und sehr alt.
Mutti-Klaus in 58.jpg
UrOma Höldtke.jpg
UrOpa Brinkmann
Otto u Sigfried Höldtke
Otto Höldtke 1
Otto Höldtke 2
Heinrich Brinkmann and Auguste Nickel
Wolfgang Höldtke in 51
great grandmother Martha Gröger
Heinrich Nickel and Henriette Wagner
Oma Konfirmation 1920
Opa Otto
Wolfgang Höldtke (on Horse) with parents
Vet Hospital 1914
Onkel Walter Brinkmann in Afrika - 1943
Oma and Opa - first date
Oma-Opa 1929
Vater and Oma Meta
Oma 211
Oma and uncle Hermann
Oma and Michelle
Inge Matthias Oma Ingrid und Matthias 1971
Inge Ingrid Matthias und Matthias 1971
Hochzeit Standesamt 1963
Hermann Brinkmann Portrait 2
Oma 208
Oma 210
Oma 209
German Family 202
Betty Brandes - my oldest picture
Beim Schießen
Brinkman Children 1922
Corrected WBH
kjk 4. Geburtstag
Weinachten mit Jim
Traute u Mutti
Sigrid Gudrun Peter Klaus
Auguste Brinkman_Nickel Ausweis 1917
Opa Mutti
Mutti mit Helm
Mutti Konfirmation 18-3-1951
Mutti Klaus April 1954
Konfirmation 1951 Mutti Traute Oma Uroma
Kirchliche Trauung
Im Garten
Herbert Klaus Vati Mutti
Henriette Nickel
Heinrich Nickel
Heinrich Brinkmann
Heinrich Brinkmann First Car
Hermann @ 9
Fritz Abmeyer 1915
Friedrich Abmeyer Hermann Brinkmann Auguste Nickel Traute
My grandfather's grandparents came from Germany. Their last name was Abmeyer. Do you know who the parents of Fritz were? Maybe there is some family connection.
Henry A.Sawatzky
05-Oct-2007 17:30
These are interesting and old pictures and I would think they were taken in
Germany. I have done a Family Genealogy history on the Sawatzky family from
as far back as 1680 Hans Sowatzki b.in 1680 to 11 generation later in 2005, born
in Manitoba,Canada. My mother was a Nikkel, spelled Nickel when they came
from Russia in 1876 ad settled in the east reserve Mb., Canada. Is the name
Nickel,A German name. I have not done a family tree on the Nikkel family yet.