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Michael Gehrisch | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> impressions of Sweden tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

impressions of Sweden

As an ex-pat American living in Sweden for the last twenty years, life has felt almost like a perpetual european vacation. It has been a real privilige to experience a new and different culture, although the Swedes are a bit hard to get to know. I think you have to get them to a warmer climate to get them to open up a bit, or at the very least give them an aquavit ;-)...
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Super Moon Setting from Helsingborg
Super Moon Setting from Helsingborg
Moonset behind the Öresund Bridge
Moonset behind the Öresund Bridge
Moonset Over the Öresund Bridge
Moonset Over the Öresund Bridge
The Sistine Chapel of Torna Hällestad
The Sistine Chapel of Torna Hällestad
A bad impersonation of Spring...
A bad impersonation of Spring...
Barn door
Barn door
Every Fisherman's Dream
Every Fisherman's Dream
Malmö Harbor on a windless evening
Malmö Harbor on a windless evening
1950's train in Fårhult
1950's train in Fårhult
Stockholm Nightfall
Stockholm Nightfall
Grain silos and Factories at sunrise, Malmö harbor
Grain silos and Factories at sunrise, Malmö harbor
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