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Michael Gehrisch | profile | all galleries >> Wild Birds of Sweden >> Birds of Sweden; Storks and Egrets tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Birds of Sweden; Storks and Egrets

Birds, birds, birds, and more birds...
ord Ciconiiformes 5


Grey Heron, Malmö
Grey Heron, Malmö
Stork with breakfast, Harlösa
Stork with breakfast, Harlösa
Eurasian Bittern, Krankesjön
Eurasian Bittern, Krankesjön
Eurasian Bittern, Krankesjön
Eurasian Bittern, Krankesjön
Stork on Meadow, Vomb
Stork on Meadow, Vomb
Grey Heron, Lund
Grey Heron, Lund