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Michael Gehrisch | profile | all galleries >> Wild Birds of Sweden >> Birds of Sweden; Falcons tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Birds of Sweden; Falcons

Birds, birds, birds, and more birds...
ord. Falconiformes 4
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Kestrel with Mouse
Kestrel with Mouse
Common Kestrel with mouse
Common Kestrel with mouse
Common Kestrel with vole
Common Kestrel with vole
Common Kestrel
Common Kestrel
Gyr Falcon
Gyr Falcon
Hobby, Sjötorps Meadows
Hobby, Sjötorps Meadows
Merlin, Vombs Ängar
Merlin, Vombs Ängar
Red-Footed Falcon and Dandelions, Österlen
Red-Footed Falcon and Dandelions, Österlen
Red-Footed Falcon, Österlen
Red-Footed Falcon, Österlen
Red-Footed Falcon, Österlen
Red-Footed Falcon, Österlen
Common Kestrel, Vombs Ängar
Common Kestrel, Vombs Ängar
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