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Kim | profile | all galleries >> Cozumel January 2013 >> Underwater >> Maracaibo tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


g2/21/38121/3/148608120.W5qdW5mp.jpg g2/21/38121/3/148608123.6xvdqg2r.jpg My first REAL head shot of a lion fish!!!  It's still alive & kicking!!!
My first REAL head shot of a lion fish!!! It's still alive & kicking!!!
Not just one, but two in one!!
Not just one, but two in one!!
g2/21/38121/3/148608131.gJsSDQie.jpg g2/21/38121/3/148608133.fUHXvdmE.jpg g2/21/38121/3/148608135.g2qSp9Rz.jpg g2/21/38121/3/148608137.gdD9KePy.jpg