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Keta V

Here is an example of a relatively modern shipwreck. The Keta V was a tug with 7 persons on board when she ran aground off Liverpool, N.S. in September of 2000. The crew tried to save the vessel; however, she was too badly damaged and sank onto her starboard side.

Fortunately, there were no injuries and everyone was picked up by the Coast Guard Ship Hudson. A salvage team was immediately engaged by the owner to remove the fuel and subsequently raise the vessel. Unfortunately, their best efforts were to no avail. The combination of ever increasing damage to the tugs' structures and weather systems added another wreck to the Nova Scotia coast.

Mike Grebler's underwater photos were taken in June 2001, 9 months after the original grounding. The amount of growth which had attached itself to the wreck during that time was surprising.
The anchor windlass on the foredeck of the Keta V as seen from the bridge (Environment Canada photo).
The anchor windlass on the foredeck of the Keta V as seen from the bridge (Environment Canada photo).
Salvors came tantalizingly close in their efforts to salvage the Keta V (Environment Canada photo).
Salvors came tantalizingly close in their efforts to salvage the Keta V (Environment Canada photo).
A small boat from the salvor and the lifeboat from the Keta V can be seen above the wreck (Canadian Coast Guard Photo)
A small boat from the salvor and the lifeboat from the Keta V can be seen above the wreck (Canadian Coast Guard Photo)
The stern of the Keta V showing her name. Her port of registry Quebec is barely visible
The stern of the Keta V showing her name. Her port of registry "Quebec" is barely visible
A diver moves along the starboard side of where the engine room used to be.
A diver moves along the starboard side of where the engine room used to be.
The anchor windlass on the foredeck of the Keta V
The anchor windlass on the foredeck of the Keta V
Port propeller of the Keta V, note the damage to the tips of the prop.
Port propeller of the Keta V, note the damage to the tips of the prop.