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Kim | profile | all galleries >> Canada - Underwater >> Nova Scotia >> Kennington Cove tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Kennington Cove

A popular beach in Cape Breton, close to Louisbourg. It's a nice dive with an easy entry and exit, but not a lot of exciting things to see. Still, it's a good way to spend a Saturday!!
g6/21/38121/3/85256259.G9b6Y6fY.jpg A swirl of seaweed
A swirl of seaweed
g6/21/38121/3/85256261.eRTm59CR.jpg Bluedog a.k.a. James
Bluedog a.k.a. James
A little crab ensconced in kelp
A little crab ensconced in kelp
g6/21/38121/3/85256264.051gdoKT.jpg This lobster would NOT back down!!
This lobster would NOT back down!!
In fact, it came right at the camera!!
In fact, it came right at the camera!!
g6/21/38121/3/85256268.oam3agFf.jpg A milder meeker lobster
A milder meeker lobster
At one point I was surrounded by a school of teeny tiny fish
At one point I was surrounded by a school of teeny tiny fish
A better (?) shot of the school
A better (?) shot of the school