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Kim | profile | all galleries >> Canada - Underwater >> Nova Scotia >> Louisbourg Harbour >> Evelyn tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


We dove the 2,379-ton steamer " Evelyn" which was wrecked at the entrance to the Louisbourg harbour on January 9th 1913. The "Evelyn" was bound from Nordenham, Germany to Savannah, Georgia. The wreckage is approx. 200 feet long and the depth varied from 40 to 60 feet.
The scattered wreckage
The scattered wreckage
Lots of fish on this wreck
Lots of fish on this wreck
More wreckage
More wreckage
u6/kiml/medium/32702041.EvelynLouisbourgHarbour010.jpg u6/kiml/medium/32702042.EvelynLouisbourgHarbour011.jpg A larger piece of the hull?
A larger piece of the hull?
Inside the large piece of hull looking out
Inside the large piece of hull looking out
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