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Kim | profile | all galleries >> Canada - Underwater >> Nova Scotia >> Matthew Atlantic >> August 1, 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

August 1, 2005

Lots of fishies
Lots of fishies
Inside the ship
Inside the ship
Greg peeking out from inside
Greg peeking out from inside
Kelp & anenomes
Kelp & anenomes
A school of fish
A school of fish
More fish!!!!
More fish!!!!
Kelp on the railing
Kelp on the railing
Covered railings
Covered railings
The ship is home to many anenomes
The ship is home to many anenomes
The bottom of the hull
The bottom of the hull
More kelp covered railings
More kelp covered railings
And more!!!
And more!!!
Anenomes on the deck
Anenomes on the deck
Pamela peeking inside the ship
Pamela peeking inside the ship
A lone starfish on the wreck
A lone starfish on the wreck
Stalked tunicates have found a home
Stalked tunicates have found a home
A ladder
A ladder