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Kim | profile | all galleries >> Canada - Underwater >> Nova Scotia >> Matthew Atlantic >> July 10 2004 dives tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

July 10 2004 dives

Stalked Tunicate about become a victim of the viscious starfish
Stalked Tunicate about become a victim of the viscious starfish
Frilled Anenome
Frilled Anenome
Look Up
Look Up
Look Way Up
Look Way Up
If you look closely, all the little specks are fish!
If you look closely, all the little specks are fish!
Colorful kelp
Colorful kelp
And Wave Hello!!!
And Wave Hello!!!
School in the background
School in the background
Kelp, Anenome & Sponge
Kelp, Anenome & Sponge
Sea Colander & Starfish
Sea Colander & Starfish
Carl in the seaweed
Carl in the seaweed
Is that starfish sneaking up on the urchin?
Is that starfish sneaking up on the urchin?
Stalked Tunicate
Stalked Tunicate