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Brian K. H. Yim | profile | all galleries >> Japan >> 2009 Sapporo & Tokyo >> Otaru tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


The meaning of Otrau in Japanese is "little bottle". In 100 years ago, it was the largest city in Hokkaido. Therefore, there are many historical houses in this city. The population of this city is 139 000. However, there are many tourists in this city. I spent a whole day in Otaru. It is quite convenient to go to Otaru from Sapporo by train. Either in anything, it gave me a great experience. Thanks! Thanks Otaru!!
The Coast
The Coast
JR Hokkaido Type 789 Train
JR Hokkaido Type 789 Train
JR Hokkaido Type 721 Train
JR Hokkaido Type 721 Train
JR Hokkaido Type 731 Train
JR Hokkaido Type 731 Train
JR Type 40 DMU Train
JR Type 40 DMU Train
The Lamp
The Lamp
Chuo Dori, Otaru
Chuo Dori, Otaru
Former North Japan Warehouse
Former North Japan Warehouse
Both Sides of Otaru Channel
Both Sides of Otaru Channel
Former Daido Warehouse & Otaru Beer Warehouse No. 1
Former Daido Warehouse & Otaru Beer Warehouse No. 1
Otaru Channel Restaurant
Otaru Channel Restaurant
Canal & Warehouses (Daytime)
Canal & Warehouses (Daytime)
Canal & Warehouses (Evening)
Canal & Warehouses (Evening)
Former Canal Warehouse for Loading & Unloading
Former Canal Warehouse for Loading & Unloading
Otaru Canal at Late Afternoon
Otaru Canal at Late Afternoon
Otaru Canal at Evening
Otaru Canal at Evening
Asakusa Bridge & Warehouse of Shimizu
Asakusa Bridge & Warehouse of Shimizu
Information Centre
Information Centre
Former Railway of Temiya Line
Former Railway of Temiya Line
Temiya Line & Residential Houses
Temiya Line & Residential Houses
Hotel Vibrant Otaru
Hotel Vibrant Otaru
The Bank of Japan Otaru Museum
The Bank of Japan Otaru Museum
Otaru Music Box Museum
Otaru Music Box Museum
Steam Clock
Steam Clock
Otaru Port
Otaru Port
Sakaimachi, Otaru
Sakaimachi, Otaru
Candle & Fragrance Shop
Candle & Fragrance Shop
Ro Man Kan
Ro Man Kan
Historical Bus (Hokkaido Chuo Bus Co., Ltd.)
Historical Bus (Hokkaido Chuo Bus Co., Ltd.)
Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear
Cigarette Vending Machines
Cigarette Vending Machines