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Kimberley Hannaman Taylor | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> One Day in Beantown tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

One Day in Beantown

These were taken during a class field trip with my daughter which was centered around Isabella Gardner. We started Mt Auburn cemetery where she is buried, moved on to the Public Library where John Singer Sargent has a huge mural (tie in: he also made a famous portrait of her which is located in...) the Gardner Museum which was our final destination after a lovely walk through Fenway Park. I've mixed feelings about the museum - photographs are unwelcome, and I ached to shoot the beautiful piazza which is dazzling in the diffused sunlight of it's greenhouse roof and it feels particularly unfair given that the majority of the property and it's art were plundered from Europe. There are reconstructed Roman ruins housed there. Nevertheless, the museum is gorgeous and well worth a visit (if you can stand to leave your camera in the coat room).
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