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Kevin Fairburn | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Weather tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Lightning North of Regina Lightning North of Regina How's your driving Skills? Morning Detour
Bin in a Snow Storm.....Lately? Jack Frost at work First Day of Spring 2013 Zero Visibility.jpg
Here we go again…. Lightning North of Regina 3 (1 of 1).jpg Finally the Road is open.. ( I HATE SNOW...
Not today... Mr Snowman Road Closed Again....When is Spring coming? Active weather over Regina
All Alone as the Storm moves in…. Beautiful Fall Day in October (1 of 1).jpg Enjoying the Rain (1 of 1).jpg Winter has arrived ! (1 of 1).jpg
Snow Pillows on our deck stairs (1 of 1).jpg As the Morning Fog Lifts (1 of 1).jpg You know it's cold out when you see one of these in the sky! Just another cold day. (1 of 1).jpg
Morning Fog. (1 of 1).jpg Moonlit evening (1 of 1).jpg Hat made of Snow I think today is going to be a PJ day. (1 of 1).jpg
Cold again as you can see by the Sundogs (1 of 1).jpg Todays Sundog report, -36 with -50 windchill (1 of 1).jpg Winter morning (1 of 1).jpg Drifting Snow  (1 of 1).jpg
Fresh Snowfall (1 of 1).jpg Today's Travel Check this out (1 of 1).jpg Frosty Tree (1 of 1).jpg
Shine off the Snow (1 of 1).jpg Morning Drive (1 of 1).jpg Frosty the Tree (1 of 1).jpg It's Cold Out. (1 of 1).jpg
Poor Visibility (1 of 1).jpg Single (1 of 1).jpg More Snow! (1 of 1).jpg I thought it was spring!
33C with very little shade in Tucson Just another snowy day. (1 of 1).jpg Rain Storm by North Battleford Storm North West Corner of Edmonton
Double The Unknown