Here you will find images that I have taken of athletic events or subjects that I find interesting.
IF YOU WANT PICTURES - Very Important Please Read Below:
Please tell me in an e-mail ( who you are and your relation to the person in the picture, you must include the gallery and image number located at the bottom of the picture, as well as any other information that you think may be helpful.
Charges for photos generally fall into the FREE category if you are the one that I took a picture of or it is your family that is requesting it.
EVEN MORE IMPORTANT - I will keep the price the same as long as it remains fun for me. When you make it work for me, then we will begin to negotiate a price.
I do not offer printing services at this time, but once you have the image, it is easy to take to the local drug store and get prints. If you would like, you can use online vendors such as Mpix or Ritz Camera, JUST MAKE SURE THAT THEY HONOR COPYRIGHT (Many online vendors do not or make you sign an agreement allowing them use of your photos. That is not allowed).
All pictures on this site are Copyright G Currie 2008-2010. No commercial use is authorized unless given written permission by Gary Currie. That means that you can give away copies to family members, but none can be sold. It also means that you must get my permission to use in a brochure, or any commercial application.