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Kerry Pierce | profile | all galleries >> Sony 7x7 Shots >> Infrared tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Photos taken in infrared with the Sony F707, using a Hoya multi-coated infrared r72 filter, usually in conjunction with other Hoya filters such as the circular polarizer and neutral density filters. The photos are then processed in Paint Shop Pro 7 where the color tones are changed, usually to a blue color.
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Washington Memorial in IR 3000
Washington Memorial in IR 3000
Presidential Chopper in IR 3116
Presidential Chopper in IR 3116
IR  03042_
IR 03042_
IR   03045_
IR 03045_
IR  03047_
IR 03047_
IR  03048_
IR 03048_
IR   03050_
IR 03050_
IR  03054_
IR 03054_
IR  03088_
IR 03088_
IR      03132_
IR 03132_
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