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Kerry Pierce | profile | all galleries >> Sony 7x7 Shots >> Infrared tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Photos taken in infrared with the Sony F707, using a Hoya multi-coated infrared r72 filter, usually in conjunction with other Hoya filters such as the circular polarizer and neutral density filters. The photos are then processed in Paint Shop Pro 7 where the color tones are changed, usually to a blue color.
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Experiment in Infrared color 3208
Experiment in Infrared color 3208
IR-pond in brown nal5583
IR-pond in brown nal5583
The Neighbor   9117
The Neighbor 9117
InfraRED   2731
InfraRED 2731
InfraRED   2741b
InfraRED 2741b
InfraRED   2752
InfraRED 2752
InfraRED   2754
InfraRED 2754
InfraRED   2755
InfraRED 2755
InfraRED   2762
InfraRED 2762
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