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Kerry Pierce | all galleries >> Sony 7x7 Shots >> Favorite Shots > Once in a Blue Moon
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Once in a Blue Moon

Detroit, MI

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Guest 07-Feb-2007 00:28
o my god
BSPN KennyMac30-Aug-2006 12:29
wow, superb image. awesome.
Guest 08-Nov-2005 20:45
Saw this when someone found your image on and linked to it. Instantly came to your gallery to view... Amazing stuff. Speechless
Michelle Rhea30-Oct-2005 16:20
Graham Tomlin05-Jul-2005 13:18
excellent photo, voted.
Guest 24-Jun-2005 04:01
That picture is amazing. You have an unique and one of a kind imagination. I hope to see more work from you in the future.
Jeff Cochran06-Mar-2005 02:45
I like this very much.
Kerry Pierce15-Dec-2004 23:26
Wow, Bluz! :-) Thanks for the kind words! Not much to this shot, really. I described it in a post below.
Guest 09-Nov-2004 02:43
wow. wow and wow.

how did you do this. Give up the secret.

I love this shot.
Kerry Pierce09-Aug-2004 00:32
Thanks Indy! I'm very glad that you like it.
Guest 01-Aug-2004 17:03
hey! this is an awesome picture! keep up the good work!
George 28-Dec-2003 18:34
Kerry, this, like many of your others, is absolutely great, wonderfully creative, and impactful. Thanks.
Kerry Pierce07-Nov-2003 21:26
Thanks, Barry, your comments are greatly appreciated. :-) The original shot was taken with a Sony f707 through a telescope, in Detroit, MI. Post processing was accomplished using Paint Shop Pro and Flaming Pear's flood filter.
Barry 06-Nov-2003 20:20
Love this shot so serine. What post processing did you use to accomplish. What was your original setup? Where did you take this picture?
Kerry Pierce16-Dec-2002 21:44
Thanks for your kind words. Glad you enjoyed. :-)
Guest 09-Dec-2002 03:03
Superb. A very enjoyable image. Thanks.
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