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Kerry Pierce | all galleries >> Sony 7x7 Shots >> Favorite Shots > Full Moon over Detroit
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Kerry Pierce

Full Moon over Detroit

Detroit, MI, USA

I think this is my best moon shot. Using the Sony F707 and the Meade telescope is no easy task for focus, but I think I've finally got it figured out. -- I'm pleased to say that this photo was awarded Picture of the Day at Best Foto in the Black & White category on 12/25/02.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ben 14-Nov-2005 21:02
Woah, nice :)

I'm going to get into astrophotography (whenever I can afford a camera and a telescope) lol
Kerry Pierce13-Nov-2003 05:51
nividhia12-Nov-2003 18:04
Kerry Pierce13-Aug-2003 00:10
Hi James, I don't recall the settings I used, but I believe it was a midrange f/stop. Perhaps it is just a luck mating of the Sony f707 to the scope.
James Brummett04-Jul-2003 04:51
I love this picture. How did you get the depth of field needed for this shot? I use a Celestron c-5 (1250mm f-10) and Minolta 7000i. If I change the f stop for depth of field the time required lets the moon move and blur the picture. I'm envious. I also use a nikon digital 995 and do what they call digiscoping for birds Etc. So far I havent come close to a moon shot like this one. My shots are at
Kerry Pierce27-Nov-2002 15:54
Thanks for your kind words! Much appreciate. :-)
Guest 23-Nov-2002 08:51
Incredible shot! Love the galleries.

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