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kcgallery | profile | all galleries >> Flys by GILLS N THRILLS >> Tying instructions for a prawn fly. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tying instructions for a prawn fly.

Prawn Fly (tied by GILLS N THRILLS)
Hook; Mustad Signature series S71S SS size #2 #4 #6
Thread; Pink flat waxed nylon
Tail; White Marabou and Saltwater Krystal flash pearl white
Eyes; 80lb mono with burnt end painted black
Body; Esatz chenille pearl shrimp pink
Carapace; Organza ribbon on clear plastic

John Williams, from the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia, showed me how to tie this fly.
I fished it extensively in shallow water at Exmouth, Western Australia and it attracted;
bream, flathead, various species of small reef fish, queenfish, mack tuna, mangrove jack, and spanish flags.

Please leave a comment on the fly (if you tied some). I would be interested to know how and where you fished it and what species you caught.
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