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lake light sculpture exhibition 2015 jindabyne NSW

some photos from the Lake Light Sculpture exhibition on the foreshore of Lake Jindabyne NSW.
This is the 13th annual show.
Bucking Bronc by Jimmy Rix.jpg
Bucking Bronc by Jimmy Rix.jpg
Mechanical Sunrise lV by Steve Croquett.jpg
Mechanical Sunrise lV by Steve Croquett.jpg
lake light sculpture Jindabyne 2015.jpg
lake light sculpture Jindabyne 2015.jpg
Waratah Brumbies by Tony Lemerle.jpg
Waratah Brumbies by Tony Lemerle.jpg
Roo Shooter by Jimmy Rix.jpg
Roo Shooter by Jimmy Rix.jpg
Twisted Sister by Robert Cook.jpg
Twisted Sister by Robert Cook.jpg
Reliquiae remnant by Ulan Murray.jpg
Reliquiae remnant by Ulan Murray.jpg
Creatures of Flight by Jesse Graham.jpg
Creatures of Flight by Jesse Graham.jpg
Internal Reflection by Jessica Whiteley.jpg
Internal Reflection by Jessica Whiteley.jpg
A colony of penguins by students at Jindabyne Central School stage 3.jpg
A colony of penguins by students at Jindabyne Central School stage 3.jpg
Stuck Together by Year 9  10 students from Jindabyne Central School.jpg
Stuck Together by Year 9 10 students from Jindabyne Central School.jpg
Lizards and Snakes by students from Jindabyne Central School stage 1.jpg
Lizards and Snakes by students from Jindabyne Central School stage 1.jpg
Pandamonium by Ben Eyles.jpg
Pandamonium by Ben Eyles.jpg
Mimi Spirit Fingers by students from Jindabyne Central School stage 2.jpg
Mimi Spirit Fingers by students from Jindabyne Central School stage 2.jpg
Saturday night at the movies by Edward Willson.jpg
Saturday night at the movies by Edward Willson.jpg
Twisted Bloomers by Steve Croquett.jpg
Twisted Bloomers by Steve Croquett.jpg
Gamete by Ulan Murray.jpg
Gamete by Ulan Murray.jpg
Willawa Wunderkammer by Jan Owens.jpg
Willawa Wunderkammer by Jan Owens.jpg
Sun Flowers by David Doyle.jpg
Sun Flowers by David Doyle.jpg
Fish body boarding by Beth Crawford.jpg
Fish body boarding by Beth Crawford.jpg
Snow lease ghosts by Alan and Sarah Johnson.jpg
Snow lease ghosts by Alan and Sarah Johnson.jpg
Curiosi tree by Snowy River Shire Community Services Groups Program.jpg
Curiosi tree by Snowy River Shire Community Services Groups Program.jpg
Iron Age by Peter Giles.jpg
Iron Age by Peter Giles.jpg
Sapient by Joseph Bartolo.jpg
Sapient by Joseph Bartolo.jpg
The Mob by David Doyle.jpg
The Mob by David Doyle.jpg
Hot Springs by Kent Ravaillion.jpg
Hot Springs by Kent Ravaillion.jpg
Anzac Nurses by the Country Womens Association.jpg
Anzac Nurses by the Country Womens Association.jpg
Words from the wise by Sasha Lees and Michael Scott Lees.jpg
Words from the wise by Sasha Lees and Michael Scott Lees.jpg
Emus by David Doyle.jpg
Emus by David Doyle.jpg
Walk in my shoes by Jindabyne Central School.jpg
Walk in my shoes by Jindabyne Central School.jpg
Stream Lined by Joseph Bartolo.jpg
Stream Lined by Joseph Bartolo.jpg
Return to sender by Edward Willson.jpg
Return to sender by Edward Willson.jpg
Beauty by Harrie Fasher.jpg
Beauty by Harrie Fasher.jpg
First one eagle and pray 2nd revenge by Keith Simpson.jpg
First one eagle and pray 2nd revenge by Keith Simpson.jpg
Spokey Doke by Mandy Lamont.jpg
Spokey Doke by Mandy Lamont.jpg
Coloured Kangaroos by David Doyle.jpg
Coloured Kangaroos by David Doyle.jpg
Bridge Timber Series by Todd Costa.jpg
Bridge Timber Series by Todd Costa.jpg
Fabulosa Fungus by Mardi Burns Nikita Klein Judy Brown Sam.jpg
Fabulosa Fungus by Mardi Burns Nikita Klein Judy Brown Sam.jpg
Time Flys by Richard Nutt.jpg
Time Flys by Richard Nutt.jpg
Cluck Norris by Joseph Bartolo.jpg
Cluck Norris by Joseph Bartolo.jpg
Sitting Kangaroo by David Doyle.jpg
Sitting Kangaroo by David Doyle.jpg
Waiting by Steve Croquett.jpg
Waiting by Steve Croquett.jpg
Mother by Rebecca Selleck.jpg
Mother by Rebecca Selleck.jpg
Transformer by Edward Wilson.jpg
Transformer by Edward Wilson.jpg
Sunken Village by Jimmy Rix.jpg
Sunken Village by Jimmy Rix.jpg
Respect My Home by Rudolph Kunz.jpg
Respect My Home by Rudolph Kunz.jpg
Ultimus stans the last one standing by Ulan Murray.jpg
Ultimus stans the last one standing by Ulan Murray.jpg
Work Bench by Steve Croquett.jpg
Work Bench by Steve Croquett.jpg
Essence of the Mountains by Michael Scott Lees.jpg
Essence of the Mountains by Michael Scott Lees.jpg
Sticks and stones by Portia Ashleigh Terlich.jpg
Sticks and stones by Portia Ashleigh Terlich.jpg
Clyde S. Dale by Gary Rae.jpg
Clyde S. Dale by Gary Rae.jpg
Mysterious technology by Reto Kunz Van Angelbeek.jpg
Mysterious technology by Reto Kunz Van Angelbeek.jpg
The Wonder of Snow by Measjaya and Michael Scott Lees.jpg
The Wonder of Snow by Measjaya and Michael Scott Lees.jpg
A single light can both defy and define the darkness Anne Frank by Blayre Smith and Emily Grace.jpg
A single light can both defy and define the darkness Anne Frank by Blayre Smith and Emily Grace.jpg
Hieroglyphical Future by Iak Hutchinson.jpg
Hieroglyphical Future by Iak Hutchinson.jpg
All hands on Deck by Kent Ravaillion.jpg
All hands on Deck by Kent Ravaillion.jpg
Bare The Residence by George Salla.jpg
Bare The Residence by George Salla.jpg
Beg Borrow and Steel by Kirsten Farmer.jpg
Beg Borrow and Steel by Kirsten Farmer.jpg
Honour the ones that make you happy by Heidi Kunz.jpg
Honour the ones that make you happy by Heidi Kunz.jpg