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kcgallery | profile | all galleries >> Flys by GILLS N THRILLS >> gillsnthrills tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
The bonefish GILLS-N-Thrills is a chartreuse and white clouser minnow
with a pearl diamond braid body and gills, red material, tied in behind
the eyes on the bottom of the fly.
Hook: Mustad signature S71S SS size #6 & #4
Thread: Salmon or pink flat waxed nylon.
Eyes: Gold hourglass.
Tail: White bucktail
Body: Pearl diamond braid or similar
Gills: any red material (red craft fur, marabou or streamer hair)
Under wing: White bucktail with 3 strands gold crystal flash on top
Over wing: Chartreuse bucktail
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Kevin with a GILLS N THRILLS.jpg