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Koninginnedag 2004 Eindhoven

Club Wheels 40-45 Static Show. Weasel, Dodge, Jeep, Dingo, Harley, GMC.
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Wheels on the Stadhuisplein
Wheels on the Stadhuisplein
And where is the GMC?
And where is the GMC?
There it is!
There it is!
It is very interesting
It is very interesting
Sign explaining the history
Sign explaining the history
Demonstrating the GSM of the 40s
Demonstrating the GSM of the 40s
Curious onlookers
Curious onlookers
Not too busy in the morning
Not too busy in the morning
But already getting warm
But already getting warm
Explaining the Dingo
Explaining the Dingo
Telephone switch and radio stuff that goes with the Dodge
Telephone switch and radio stuff that goes with the Dodge
And radios in the back too
And radios in the back too
Willys Jeep
Willys Jeep
Tired already?
Tired already?
Police testing the comms
Police testing the comms
Interesting merchandise
Interesting merchandise
The blue box is not part of the machine :)
The blue box is not part of the machine :)
I want one!
I want one!
Visitor from above
Visitor from above
People like balloons
People like balloons
Sudden visitors
Sudden visitors
Very Brabant-like
Very Brabant-like
Their big performance
Their big performance
The Harley arrived
The Harley arrived
Lots of visitors in the afternoon
Lots of visitors in the afternoon
And splendid sunny weather all day
And splendid sunny weather all day
Even more visitors
Even more visitors
Beautiful music
Beautiful music
I want one when I grow up!
I want one when I grow up!
Clowns from above
Clowns from above
A Weazle is a nice place to rest
A Weazle is a nice place to rest
For all clowns
For all clowns
Demonstrating the Harley
Demonstrating the Harley
Studying the Dingo
Studying the Dingo
Looking at the Dodge
Looking at the Dodge
And the radios
And the radios
One last shot before we go home
One last shot before we go home
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