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Kees Stravers | profile | all galleries >> WW2 evenementen >> Koninginnedag 2004 Eindhoven tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Koninginnedag 2004 Eindhoven

Club Wheels 40-45 Static Show. Weasel, Dodge, Jeep, Dingo, Harley, GMC.
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Willys Jeep
Willys Jeep
Tired already?
Tired already?
Police testing the comms
Police testing the comms
Interesting merchandise
Interesting merchandise
The blue box is not part of the machine :)
The blue box is not part of the machine :)
I want one!
I want one!
Visitor from above
Visitor from above
People like balloons
People like balloons
Sudden visitors
Sudden visitors
Very Brabant-like
Very Brabant-like
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