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E.M. & Carmon Bell | profile | all galleries >> From the Camera of Carmon Bell >> NS PIttsburgh Line 2010 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

NS PIttsburgh Line 2010

Eastbound at Lilly
Eastbound at Lilly
Eastbound at Lilly
Eastbound at Lilly
Eastbound pushers at the tunnel
Eastbound pushers at the tunnel
Westbound out of the tunnel
Westbound out of the tunnel
Westbound intermodal at Tunnel Hill
Westbound intermodal at Tunnel Hill
Westbound intermodal at Tunnel Hill
Westbound intermodal at Tunnel Hill
Westbound coal loads easing down the mountain
Westbound coal loads easing down the mountain
Westbound pushers between Gallitzen and Cresson
Westbound pushers between Gallitzen and Cresson
Catfish and Coal
Catfish and Coal
Catfish and Coal
Catfish and Coal
Eastbound coal train passes AR tower on #1 track
Eastbound coal train passes AR tower on #1 track
Eastbound coal train passes AR tower on #1 track
Eastbound coal train passes AR tower on #1 track
Pushers on the rear of a Eastbound coal drag starting down the slide
Pushers on the rear of a Eastbound coal drag starting down "the slide"
Pushers on the rear of a Eastbound coal drag starting down the slide
Pushers on the rear of a Eastbound coal drag starting down "the slide"
Eastbound pushers on C91
Eastbound pushers on C91
Westbound racks down the mountain on #3 track
Westbound racks down the mountain on #3 track
Eastbound Amtrak in the morning sun
Eastbound Amtrak in the morning sun
Eastbound Amtrak in the morning sun
Eastbound Amtrak in the morning sun
Pushers on a Westbound intermodal
Pushers on a Westbound intermodal
Early morning intermodal
Early morning intermodal
A late evening coal drag starts down the slide on the East side of Tunnel Hill
A late evening coal drag starts down the slide on the East side of Tunnel Hill
Eastbound local makes easy work of the West slope
Eastbound local makes easy work of the West slope
A Pennsy Cabb in the Tunnel Hill Park
A Pennsy Cabb in the Tunnel Hill Park
Eastbound intermodal heads into the hole
Eastbound intermodal heads into the hole
The tunnel Inn
The tunnel Inn
The tunnel Inn
The tunnel Inn