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Kevin Ball | profile | all galleries >> The African Adventure 2004 >> Zibalianja Camp, Botswana >> The Stampede - Part II tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Stampede - Part II

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DSCF0544.JPG DSCF0785.JPG Male Waterbuck

Male Waterbuck

DSCF0766.JPG DSCF0743.JPG Blue Wildebeest

Blue Wildebeest

DSCF0731.JPG This reminds me of a blind date,
I'm only joking!

This reminds me of a blind date,
I'm only joking!


This beast CAN NOT CATCH FISH!!!

DSCF0834.JPG DSCF0847.JPG DSCF0850.JPG Here's Adrian Bailey. 
His book - Okavango: Africa's Wetland Wilderness
An excellent publication!

Here's Adrian Bailey.
His book - Okavango: Africa's Wetland Wilderness
An excellent publication!

DSCF0859.JPG DSCF0877.JPG Baobab tree - It takes its name from its longevity

Baobab tree - It takes its name from its longevity

In one translation, Baobab means thousand year old tree

In one translation, Baobab means "thousand year old tree "

At Zibalianja we viewed game at night - A Dung Beetle

At Zibalianja we viewed game at night - A Dung Beetle

Andre Joubert, the camp manager was awesome

Andre Joubert, the camp manager was awesome

With Andre we found this Leopard stalking a Impala

With Andre we found this Leopard stalking a Impala

We didn't see the kill but it was a terrific moment!

We didn't see the kill but it was a terrific moment!

DSCF0822.JPG I wonder what Rick is taking a photo of?

I wonder what Rick is taking a photo of?

A lovely threesome

A lovely threesome

Lucky to find these Cheetah's

Lucky to find these Cheetah's

This was a group of three, all brothers

This was a group of three, all brothers

DSCF0497.JPG DSCF0699.JPG Fish Eagle in flight

Fish Eagle in flight

DSCF0786.JPG DSCF0787.JPG On the left is Gary, he's from the UK And don't ask what Deb is doing with her hand!

On the left is Gary, he's from the UK And don't ask what Deb is doing with her hand!

IMG_2950-S.jpg IMG_4108.JPG IMG_4233.JPG The rare Schimpf, stalking his prey

The rare Schimpf, stalking his prey

DSCF0557.JPG Andre lured us into his April Fools joke. Sreaching for a Leopard we held our breaths only to find this photo!

Andre lured us into his April Fools joke. Sreaching for a Leopard we held our breaths only to find this photo!

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