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Kevin Ball | profile | all galleries >> The African Adventure 2004 >> Zibalianja Camp, Botswana >> The Stampede - Part II tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Stampede - Part II

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DSCF0859.JPG DSCF0877.JPG Baobab tree - It takes its name from its longevity

Baobab tree - It takes its name from its longevity

In one translation, Baobab means thousand year old tree

In one translation, Baobab means "thousand year old tree "

At Zibalianja we viewed game at night - A Dung Beetle

At Zibalianja we viewed game at night - A Dung Beetle

Andre Joubert, the camp manager was awesome

Andre Joubert, the camp manager was awesome

With Andre we found this Leopard stalking a Impala

With Andre we found this Leopard stalking a Impala

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