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Pawel Kazmierczyk | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Reading signs tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Reading signs

Most people hardly ever pay attention to how different road signs are from one country to another.
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Looking for an imaginative title for this photo...
Wild country
Wild country
I shot the sheriff, but I didn't shoot the deputy...
I shot the sheriff, but I didn't shoot the deputy...
A screeching halt
A screeching halt
The quiet forest
The quiet forest
Long march
Long march
Low flying frisbee
Low flying frisbee
Had a little lamb
Had a little lamb
Absolutely positively no parking here. Not even a little bit....
Absolutely positively no parking here. Not even a little bit....
This must be Norwegian for Do not feed the animals
This must be Norwegian for "Do not feed the animals"
Care for a spin?
Care for a spin?
No (s)kidding...
No (s)kidding...
oh, duck it!
oh, duck it!
Santa, Santa, this is Rudolph... where are you, over?
Santa, Santa, this is Rudolph... where are you, over?
Sea moose, low tide
Sea moose, low tide
At the seaside
At the seaside
Kiss the frog
Kiss the frog
bombeiros, by LEGO
bombeiros, by LEGO
P(h)easants' life
P(h)easants' life
Genealogical tree
Genealogical tree
Yuppies in the forest
Yuppies in the forest
Ruprecht und Helga
Ruprecht und Helga
Siblings ?
Siblings ?
Young activists
Young activists
Nyet! Verboten! Prohibido! Forget it - we'll shoot you!  Get it?
Nyet! Verboten! Prohibido! Forget it - we'll shoot you! Get it?
buffalo Bill
buffalo Bill
Caballero and his EU cousin
Caballero and his EU cousin
Le Corbusier - 2km
Le Corbusier - 2km
Mystery cow
Mystery cow
Ladies first
Ladies first
Hail hail?
Hail hail?
No man's land
No man's land
Knife and fork
Knife and fork
Lost for words
Lost for words
too hot to touch
too hot to touch
School zone
School zone
Balancing act
Balancing act
attention !
attention !
Collision course
Collision course
Mutant mosquito
Mutant mosquito
Fightertown. Speed limit 50
Fightertown. Speed limit 50
Black panthers
Black panthers
Deep snow and thin ice, what an exciting combination....
Deep snow and thin ice, what an exciting combination....
No country for Cinderella
No country for Cinderella
Oh, MAN...
Oh, MAN...
Prepare for take off...
Prepare for take off...
Dangerous kind of danger
Dangerous kind of danger
Elegance of the oryx
Elegance of the oryx
Welcome to Africa!
Welcome to Africa!
Zebra crossing
Zebra crossing
Welcome to Africa
Welcome to Africa
NO sNO scooter
NO sNO scooter
Chariot, no fire...
Chariot, no fire...
Strangely uplifting
Strangely uplifting
Shaken, not stirred
Shaken, not stirred
Helping hand
Helping hand