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Pawel Kazmierczyk | all galleries >> Galleries >> Top 100 > Turquoise pants
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Turquoise pants

Canon EOS 30D
1/40s f/5.6 at 53.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography29-Sep-2012 08:49
Eckhart Derschmidt26-Oct-2007 21:52
Great one indeed!
Yves Rubin17-Oct-2007 15:44
Gorgeous colors and light you have captured here Pavel. Big vote!
Guest 10-Oct-2007 10:50
Stunning colors. V
Carolyn Rasmussen07-Oct-2007 05:32
Powerful image. The pillars create a nice design. V
Dave Hein05-Oct-2007 02:43
Lovely color study. V.
Guest 05-Oct-2007 01:05
Excellent shot. The white robe adds some contrast to an otherwise darker image. V
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