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Pawel Kazmierczyk | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo a Day > Lost track
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Lost track

This is what is left of the 1930ies railway bridge in northern Poland, which the retreating German army blew up in the last months of World War 2. It makes for an eerie sight


Canon EOS 7D Mark II
1/30s f/5.0 at 26.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Terry McManus23-Jan-2017 14:56
Pawel, great capture!!!!! V
Martin Lamoon07-Oct-2016 09:04
An excellent find and capture
clickA SF04-Oct-2016 16:19
Very interesting. Nice shot! V
jeanb18-Aug-2016 15:18
Nice perspective, interesting
Dallas Hyatt18-Aug-2016 15:05
Excellent display of decay. Very cool!
Webman0618-Aug-2016 12:48
Very nice perspective indeed. Great POV ! Vote
Jola Dziubinska18-Aug-2016 10:19
Great pov and perspective. V.
chris morton18-Aug-2016 08:05
an interesting story as well as an interesting image
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