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Pawel Kazmierczyk | all galleries >> Galleries >> Top 100 > The man and his nature
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The man and his nature

Canon EOS 30D
1/800s f/9.0 at 55.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
cits_4_pets25-May-2016 23:25
This was perfect for the competition 'Scale'! Deserving win. Have a great vacation or whatever keeps you from hosting the next competition.
jeanb29-Apr-2016 21:24
I really like this Pawel.
Theo Bögels29-Apr-2016 05:45
Impressive shot! V
Arnie Peterschmidt20-Apr-2016 22:14
Bravo Pawel, great image.
Dallas Hyatt17-Apr-2016 18:55
Extremely strong composition. Just excellent!
Christian Dumont17-Apr-2016 08:30
Very impressive. Great shot.V
Jola Dziubinska16-Apr-2016 18:44
Superb lines, well seen with that lonely man. V.
Mister Pickles13-Apr-2016 11:40
This is a very powerful image. It is great.
Pete Hemington10-Apr-2016 09:09
This has a powerful sense of scale and so well composed
Sam Rua09-Apr-2016 20:49
Outstanding capture, Pawel. Super comp. well done all around.
Joe Bonello09-Apr-2016 15:10
Great capture!
Kuriacose Joseph09-Apr-2016 13:49
Awesome shot highlighting the massiveness of the dam!
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