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Pawel Kazmierczyk | all galleries >> Galleries >> Polish Air Force > Bursting, with joy
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Bursting, with joy

Canon EOS 40D
1/1600s f/7.1 at 400.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Ron LaCroix05-Jul-2018 23:02
WOW! What a frozen moment to remember. Super duper! V
Dan Greenberg14-Feb-2017 16:36
What an incredible shot! ~BV~
clickA SF03-Aug-2015 00:57
Fabulous shot! For the love of Squadron 303 BV
Sam Rua25-Jul-2015 21:39
Very cool capture, Pawell.
Apostolos Tikopoulos20-Jul-2014 11:38
So nice and spectacular flight catch. V.
Alexander Kazakov15-Jul-2014 06:14
Great catch! V
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