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Pawel Kazmierczyk | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> In Flight tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

In Flight

I can't compete with those photographers who have better cameras, longer lenses, work
at an airport or live closer to good plane-spotting locations than I do. So instead,
I have chosen aviation pictures with a slight twist :) Regards. Pawel

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Mine is bigger than yours... :)
Mine is bigger than yours... :)
Disaster in mid-air: farewell flight gone terribly wrong
Disaster in mid-air: farewell flight gone terribly wrong
Sally B
Sally B
In slow motion
In slow motion
how is THAT for fancy flying ?
how is THAT for fancy flying ?
Everybody is positive
Everybody is positive
Wing mechanics
Wing mechanics
No smoking?
No smoking?
A day in the life of a plane spotter
A day in the life of a plane spotter
At the seaside
At the seaside
Instructor's periscope
Instructor's periscope
Cigar shape
Cigar shape
Flight path
Flight path
vintage Spitfire from Sweden
vintage Spitfire from Sweden
Solo display team
Solo display team
the only way is up.. Yazz '89
"the only way is up.." Yazz '89
Billion dollars worth of metal
Billion dollars worth of metal
Aluminium clouds
Aluminium clouds
Lead me on
Lead me on
Close call
Close call
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