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Three Muses

These images are based upon an actual painting by me. It is a figure study, based upon an image in a magazine. The actual painting is composed of transparent oils, layered in a fashion similar to that in Photoshop, with increasing opacity, beginning with a black and white tonal pencil sketch on the canvass. Because the paints are not opaque, but thinned, the technique is similar to watercolors, and reveals variations in the layers below. As I was doing the original painting, I thought it would be a worthwhile idea to record some of the progress in photos, so that I could repeat the steps if I did a series on the same subject.

It took several weeks to do this one painting, actually waiting for the layers to dry! And I later grew less enthusiastic about continuing the series because I wasn't happy with the result you see here. But Photoshop is a great way to experiment with a painting's structure, without all the mess. The images here continue my original concept. They'd be fun to reproduce in oil or pastels when I find the time. :-)

The thumbnails aren't very representative of the fullsize version. If you look closely, there are variations. These incorporate several different layers attempting to duplicate actual pastels, including smudges and graininess. I'm using Photoshop 4 which has more basic algorithms and my skills are hopefully improving. These pictures are art studies for me but do contain partial nudity, as most figure studies do.
muses_fire_blacklight muses_mult_BW muses _mult_color
three muses orignial muses in pieces
:: muses in pieces ::
amusing fusion
muses_moonlight_blue_bw muses_watercolor muses_monotone_soft_fall_glow
muses_moonlight_blacklight._brite muses_cutout muses_moonlight_soft_color_ltneon.jpg
muses_moonlight_firesoft_teal.jpg muses_moonlight_soft_color_ltneon_exclsn.jpg muses_moonlight_magentablue_wht.jpg
muses_solar_pstredges_drama.jpg muses_monotone_soft_bw.jpg muses_moonlight_magenta_wht_2.jpg
muses_moonlight_pencil_emerald_wh.jpg muses_moonlight_pencil_magenta_wh.jpg muses_moonlight_magenta_invert_wt.jpg
muses_fusion_pencil.jpg muses_fusion_magenta_pncl_wt.jpg muses_fusion_wt.jpg
muses pencil 2 watercolor.jpg muses pencil 2 watercolor ylw colorburn.jpg muses pencil 2 watercolor violetcolorburn.jpg