again I went through the gallery.To be able to draw this good and shoot fine pics as well is absolutely a blessing.
29-Mar-2006 09:33
A+. If you don't already, I think you would enjoy working with scanning and inkjet printing. You can combine real-world drawing with scanning, keep repeating and adding elements that way. The final scan and print unifies everything. Many art papers like Johannot will print superbly with inkjet-try black only printing with a pigment ink-excellent quality and quite economical. Epson alaso has a scarpbook paper that is 100 percent cotton-excellent value.
Hello Kimberly,
I enjoyed this gallery. Very clear clean lines created with your stippling. Your watercolor is fresh too. Of course I'm a sucker for
architecture. I used to do a lot of pen and ink but ever since I discovered the Adobe tools I've been wrecked. I need to get back
to drawing more. I hope to see more of your work. Thanks.