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Caricatures in process

Caricatures are a new subject for me.
These are some recent sketches as works in progress.
Many have been entries in Caricaturama Showdown 3000 ...a Facebook artists' group.
Check them out at:
Chow yun fat _adj.JPG Chow yun fat _adj distort.JPG Chow yun fat _adj distort cubic. Chow Yun Fat Chow Yun Fat
Annie Lennox pencil Annie Lennox pencil Annie Lennox pencil wash Annie Lennox Annie Lennox
alternate Amanda Seyfried sketch Amanda Seyfried caricature Amanda Seyfried pencil caricature AmandaSeyfried_color amanda seyfried studies
Emily Blunt Emily Blunt Emily Blunt resemblance? Emily Blunt
Brigitte sketch  Brigitte watercolor pencil Brigitte digital Brigitte retouch Brigitte-Bardot-
Steve Carell pencil sketch Steve Carell mixed media cartoon Steve Carell mixed media caricature Steve Carrell redone Steve Carell
Benicio_sketch2.JPG Benicio_sketch3.JPG Benicio del Toro Benicio del Toro Benicio delToro
Tommy Lee Jones sketch Tommy Lee Jones caricature sketch TommyLeeJones 2 convert BWcolor under.jpg Tommy Lee Jones TommyLeeJones 2.jpg
Ig colorpencil Ig desaturated Ig BW + color Iggy Iggy
Yoko sketch Yoko beige desaturated Yoko beige saturated color Yoko Ono Yoko.jpg
Chow Yun Fat sketch Chow Yun Fat Chow Yun Fat Chow Yun Fat cartoon Chow Yun Fat
Nick Cave_sketch.JPG Nick Cave_sketch_1.JPG Nick Cave nick-cave.jpg g4/52/514552/3/133686690.lwZXViyd.jpg
 athena sculpt  athena stone hat sharon-stone--los-angeles-premiere-july-19-2004-HyqnPQ.jpg sharon-stone-athena sculpture sharon stone
Sharon Madonna Evolution  Madonna Sharon Stone Sharon Stone Sharon Stone
Daniel Day Lewis sketch daniel day lewis daniel day lewis daniel day lewis daniel-day-lewis
NR sketch Norman Rockwell 1b.JPG Norman Rockwell 1a.JPG Norman Rockwell finsig easel.JPG Norman Rockwell
jack palance ferengi dketch jack palance ferengi big head Jack Palance  ferengi.JPG Jack Palance
Natalie Portman swan sketch Natalie in progress Natalie in progress Natalie Portman Black Swan natalie-portman-bald.jpg
Ines-De-La-Fressange-Aemilie crop.jpg Ines sketch 1 freehand Ines sketch 2 Ines de la Fressange Ines-De-La-Fressange-Aemilie.jpg
Mark zuckerberg sketch Mark zuckerberg lowkey Mark Zuckerberg Mark_Gaius_Caligula_Head.jpg marc zuckerberg.jpg
FK sketch FK rescaled FK progress color Frederic Kahler Frederic Kahler
Royal couple progress Royal couple progress William & Kate Sarah Burton dress royal wedding2.jpg
sketch cate blanchett progress Cate Blanchett Cate-Blanchett Cate-Blanchett-
Uma color correct Uma cutout Uma progress Uma Thurman uma thurman
michelle pfeiffer sketch michelle pfeiffer progress michelle pfeiffer progress Michelle Pfeiffer michelle pfeiffer.jpg
ed van der linden.JPG ed van der linden 1 distort.JPG ed van der linden head 1.JPG Ed van der Linden ed van der linden photo.JPG
Carell to_prince charles 1b.jpg Carell to_prince charles 1c.jpg taking shape_prince charles 2.jpg Prince Charles prince charles original
courtney love 1.JPG courtney love 2.JPG courtney love 4.JPG Courtney Love courtney love orig1.JPG
michael moore sketch Michael Moore vrsn 1 Michael Moore vrsn 2 Michael Moore michael-moore-chortling
 JK Rowling JK Rowling  JK Rowling  JK Rowling JK+Rowling+glasses.jpg
susan sarandon sketch 1 susan sarandon sketch adj susan sarandon sketch toned Susan Sarandon susan sarandon.JPG
Sigourney Weaver alien 1.jpg Sigourney Weaver alien 2.jpg Sigourney Weaver alien sketch Sigourney Weaver alien b.jpg Sigourney Weaver alien a.jpg
rutgerhauer 1.jpg rutgerhauer 1b.jpg Rutger Hauer rutgerhauer004.jpg rutger hauer as Ray Baty
karl lagerfeld sketch 1.jpg karl lagerfeld sketch 2.jpg karl lagerfeld karl lagerfeld chair.jpg karl lagerfeld chanel.jpg
Patricia Arquette sketch 1 Patricia Arquette sketch 1b.jpg Patricia Arquette sketch 1c.jpg Patricia Arquette Patricia Arquette
Patricia Arquette husb 2. Patricia Arquette husb 3 Patricia Arquette & Thomas Jane Patricia Arquette and Thomas Jane Patricia Arquette & Thomas Jane
sting sketch 2a sting sketch 2b sting sketch 2c Sting Sting
Sting sketch 2 b.JPG Sting sketch 2 g.JPG Sting sketch 2 f.JPG Sting sketch sting-dune.jpg
jodi foster sketch1c.JPG jodi foster sketch1d.JPG jodi foster sketch2b.JPG Jodi Foster jodi foster 3.JPG
bill cosby harlequin bill cosby harlequin bill cosby 2 sktch finsig d4 finsig weird violet.JPG bill cosby 2 sktch finsig d4 finsig xtrm cntrst blugrn sm.JPG bill cosby 2 sktch finsig d4 finsig xtrm cntrst.JPG
Bill Cosby bill cosby 2 sktch finsig d2.JPG bill cosby 2 sktch finsig d1.JPG bill cosby 2 sktch finsig d.JPG bill cosby 2 sktch finsig B.JPG
bill cosby 1 sktch2c.JPG bill cosby 1 sktch2b.JPG bill cosby 1 sktch2.JPG bill cosby 1 sktch.JPG bill cosby 2 .JPG
whoopi 2475 A.JPG whoopi 2475 Bs.JPG whoopi 2475 C monalisa2a.JPG Whoopi Goldberg whoopi.jpg
russell crowe sketch1 .JPG russell crowe color1 .JPG Russell Crowe russell crowe orig2 .JPG russell crowe orig1 .JPG