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behind the veil

These images are based upon an actual painting by me.
It is a figure study, based upon an image in a magazine.
The actual painting is composed of transparent oils, layered in a fashion similar to that in Photoshop,
with increasing opacity, beginning with a black and white tonal pencil sketch on the canvass.
Because the paints are not opaque, but thinned, the technique is similar to watercolors, and reveals variations in the layers below.
As I was doing the original painting, I thought it would be a worthwhile idea to record some of the progress in photos,
so that I could repeat the steps if I did a series on the same subject.

It took several weeks to do this one painting, actually waiting for the layers to dry!
And I later grew less enthusiastic about continuing the series because I wasn't happy with the result you see here.
But Photoshop is a great way to experiment with a painting's structure, without all the mess.
The images here continue my original concept.
The examples of sepia tone and charcoal mimicked in PS, are not examples I actually produced, but this shows the benefit of photoshop.

These pictures are art studies for me but do contain partial nudity, as most figure studies do.
You can find better examples on the ceilings of many Baroque chapels!
Mindful of this though, I tried cropping the image into sections in which no nudity was revealed.
As these sections didn't make sense out of context, (and were as boring as the hillsides I also painted, which no one looks at!),
I also included the entire picture as reference.
The flesh tones also were varied in an attempt to get something appealing.
I think the deathly pale tones are actually repulsive.

Although I did take a photograph of this painting, I wasn't ultimately happy with it, and it no longer actually exists and has been painted over.
nude_crop_2._BW.JPG nude_crop_2._sepia.JPG behind the veil behind the veil
nude_crop_2._blue.JPG behind the veil nude_crop_2._BW_SQ.JPG nude_crop_2._sepia_SQ.JPG
behind the veil nudes_adj color.JPG nudes_adj_BW-HC.JPG nudes_adj_sepia.JPG