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Emily's Bachelorette Party (June 2, 2011)

The Crew: Anna, Emily, Anya, Lauren, Kara (I'm the invisible photographer. hee hee)
The Crew: Anna, Emily, Anya, Lauren, Kara (I'm the invisible photographer. hee hee)
Time to par-tay!!
Time to par-tay!!
Make way for the crazy bride in the bumper boat!!!
Make way for the crazy bride in the bumper boat!!!
First order of business: Mani/pedi time!
First order of business: Mani/pedi time!
Anya is freaking out, because she has a nobody-touches-my-feet complex :-)
Anya is freaking out, because she has a "nobody-touches-my-feet" complex :-)
Kara looks very relaxed
Kara looks very relaxed
Emily and Lauren
Emily and Lauren
Pretty feet!!
Pretty feet!!
Kara, Emily, and Anna... having too much fun
Kara, Emily, and Anna... having too much fun
Me, Anya, and Lauren... starving and ready to chow down!
Me, Anya, and Lauren... starving and ready to chow down!
Standing at the grill waiting for our creations to be cooked!
Standing at the grill waiting for our creations to be cooked!
Our food on the grill! Om Nom!!
Our food on the grill! Om Nom!!
Anna is about to try a squiggly piece of seafood
Anna is about to try a squiggly piece of seafood
Apparently the squiggly was not a hit.... :-)
Apparently the squiggly was not a hit.... :-)
Don't cross Kara... she's dangerous :-)
Don't cross Kara... she's dangerous :-)
We had very little time to spend with our new step-sister, but I'd say we sufficiently succeeded in making her as weird as us
We had very little time to spend with our new step-sister, but I'd say we sufficiently succeeded in making her as weird as us
Lauren was the only sane dignified woman of the group :-)
Lauren was the only sane dignified woman of the group :-)
Me and my baby sister!
Me and my baby sister!
GOAT!!! (the goats at Kimballs were great fun to laugh at)
GOAT!!! (the goats at Kimballs were great fun to laugh at)
It was freezing out, so we had to stop at the Kimballs general store and stock up on hot coffee and sweatshirts
It was freezing out, so we had to stop at the Kimballs general store and stock up on hot coffee and sweatshirts
Anna and Emily are primed and READY to kill all in their bumper boat path!
Anna and Emily are primed and READY to kill all in their bumper boat path!
The wind was pretty strong, but that didn't stop us!
The wind was pretty strong, but that didn't stop us!
Boarding the boats!
Boarding the boats!
Anna is pretty intent on massacre and annihilation! :-)
Anna is pretty intent on massacre and annihilation! :-)
Lauren had a little trouble keeping her ball on the course!
Lauren had a little trouble keeping her ball on the course!
Hole in one!!! And there was much rejoicing...
Hole in one!!! And there was much rejoicing...
Golf guitar!
Golf guitar!
Lauren, the general object of mini golf is to get the ball in the hole... not everywhere else :-)
Lauren, the general object of mini golf is to get the ball in the hole... not everywhere else :-)
Speed mini golf! 18 holes in 30 minutes! Rules of the game... 3 shots and your out. Most hole-in-ones wins!
Speed mini golf! 18 holes in 30 minutes! Rules of the game... 3 shots and your out. Most hole-in-ones wins!
Ice cream!!
Ice cream!!
Anya, you're supposed to eat your ice cream... not sniff it :-)
Anya, you're supposed to eat your ice cream... not sniff it :-)
Emily tries to eat Anya's ice cream
Emily tries to eat Anya's ice cream
Kara had an awesome ice cream... until...
Kara had an awesome ice cream... until...
Poor Kara!!! Severe ice cream fatalities! (I'm sorry to admit, I laughed so hard, I almost peed myself.)
Poor Kara!!! Severe ice cream fatalities! (I'm sorry to admit, I laughed so hard, I almost peed myself.)
We had an AWESOME night! The end.
We had an AWESOME night! The end.