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Katie Chew | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trees > Weighted Down
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Weighted Down

Nikon D70
1/60s f/5.6 at 65.0mm iso200 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Neal Nye12-Mar-2006 12:52
Disappointing at this time of year when everyone wants spring. Nice capture of its wetness and stickiness.
Karen Stuebing12-Mar-2006 12:26
It's pretty but you can keep it there. :) Nice detail in the snow.
Greg Harp12-Mar-2006 07:07
Excellent work. Does have something of an abstract quality to it.
s_barbour12-Mar-2006 00:50
Looks very cold, nice shot Katie.
Bryan Murahashi11-Mar-2006 23:38
Very nice, chilly shot.
Johnny JAG11-Mar-2006 21:51
Nice shot.
jypsee11-Mar-2006 18:09
Lovely abstract quality.
Arno Meintjes Wildlife11-Mar-2006 16:15
Fantastic. From the colors I can feel the cold.