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Katie Chew | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trees > Tree Of Gold
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Tree Of Gold

Nikon D70
1/3200s f/5.6 at 270.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Rosemarie Kusserow26-Jul-2006 09:32
I like this one a lot, stunning colors, I vote, regards, Rosemarie :o)
Shayne10-Apr-2006 17:03
Great Photo ~WOW~GMV
poetry66607-Mar-2006 14:25
Love the treatment in this shot Katie!
NealyBob07-Mar-2006 04:05
Very nice
Bryan Ramsay07-Mar-2006 00:47
Very nice color, really like this shot. -BJ
Guest 05-Mar-2006 20:25
Terrific, indeed. Great capture.
Tom Munson05-Mar-2006 19:52
Terrific image.
Kathy Pedersen05-Mar-2006 19:27
Fantastic hues!
Guest 05-Mar-2006 14:49
Herb 05-Mar-2006 14:23
Nice shot
Guy Bruyea05-Mar-2006 14:16
Fabulous shot!
Breland05-Mar-2006 14:15
Beautiful composition with the golden glow.
...duncan05-Mar-2006 13:54
Love the golden glow. V
Marco Valk05-Mar-2006 09:29
beautiful image
Bryan Murahashi05-Mar-2006 06:32
Very nice color here.
Guest 05-Mar-2006 05:28
I love the colors you have captured thus far! Keep up the good work!
Guest 05-Mar-2006 03:47
I am a bit of a sucker for tree shots but also golden colors like this.

Guest 05-Mar-2006 03:31
Beautiful! Love the yellow/orange hues and silhouette.