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Katie Chew | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trees > Tree
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One of my favorite
places on the coast.

Nikon D70
1/200s f/5.6 at 68.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Stu25-Jan-2005 11:06
Outstanding shot.
Carmen 25-Jan-2005 06:22
Wow, Katie! Absolutely gorgeous!
Pepe Zyman25-Jan-2005 06:22
Spectacular place
Gayle P. Clement25-Jan-2005 05:50
Very nice scene, Katie.
Bryan Murahashi25-Jan-2005 04:58
Very nice silohouette.
Gary Hebert25-Jan-2005 04:16
Easy to see why it is one of your favorite places Katie, lovely peaceful painterly scenic. Even the tilted horizon is not much of a distraction. Wonderful tone and silhouette's.
Guest 25-Jan-2005 04:07