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Katie Chew | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trees > Missing Limbs
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Missing Limbs

Nikon D70
1/2000s f/5.6 at 40.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Stu15-Jan-2005 17:46
Nice shot
Guest 15-Jan-2005 06:18
These tree shots amaze me spring as the living branchs explode with green Life has a way of clinging to disaster
Just Me 15-Jan-2005 04:21
I agree with Zak & Pepe... very sad, Indeed!
Pepe Zyman15-Jan-2005 00:19
This is sad!
Jeffery Stahlman14-Jan-2005 23:13
very nice.
CDS14-Jan-2005 22:12
Cool shot.. I like it alot
Zak14-Jan-2005 21:45
yikes! poor tree...