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Katie Chew | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trees > Through The Woods
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Through The Woods

Nikon D70
1/15s f/5.6 at 28.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 23-Dec-2004 21:17
Great curves in the track and the trees.
Stu22-Dec-2004 19:01
Country roads, take me home...
Karen Stuebing22-Dec-2004 12:37
Makes me want to see where it leads. Nice soft colors.
Guest 22-Dec-2004 06:12
The photo grabs you and leads you right down the road. Perfect...certainly looks like an Oregon winter!
Herb 22-Dec-2004 04:29
Good composition
Pepe Zyman22-Dec-2004 02:53
Nice composition
Cliff22-Dec-2004 02:37
Oh this is gorgeous Katie. I'd be so intrigued to wander down this path.
Argishti Khachik22-Dec-2004 02:21
Excellent shot. Great perspective!
Guest 22-Dec-2004 01:33
Nice. I am fascinated by roads that lead into the woods.
Serkan Duzler22-Dec-2004 00:59
Nice shot, lovely colors.